How to Embrace the Mess (and Find More Peace)

What might happen if you opened that closet door and simply embraced the mess?
What if you observed the piles of clothing, crumpled receipts, and random cords without judgment?
What might be available to you if you embraced this mess, exactly as it is, without needing to change it?
Why Moms Today Need Minimalism

But here is a word, that, when merged with minimalism, needs to be normalized: motherhood.
Minimalism and motherhood go together. Why?
Because minimalism—living with less stuff, fewer commitments, and more space to focus on
what matters—is a way to opt out of the overwhelm now accepted, and almost expected, to
accompany mom-life.
My 5 Favorite Decluttering Resources

Overwhelmed by my full-time job, suffering from chronic people-pleasing, and struggling to get pregnant after an “unexplained infertility” diagnosis, I was seeking answers back in December 2014. Hoping to form some foundational habits, I joined the Sea Change Habits program with Leo Babauta from Zen Habits. By Leo Babauta’s recommendation, I read The Minimalists‘s book […]
3 Questions to Help You Remember What Matters

Regardless of how long we have been on a journey to pursue a life with less, we can sometimes find ourselves off track. We know certain things or activities aren’t adding value to our lives or helping us live in alignment with what matters most to us, but we stick to the status quo. In […]
3 Reasons to Embrace “Messy Minimalism”

I’ve always considered myself a clean and tidy person. There were hints all the way back in elementary school that I would pursue something in the decluttering and organization field. When we had indoor recess, I would clean and organize the desks of other students for a quarter (I am a child of the 80’s […]
Budgeting 101 for Minimalists

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Kara Walker. What does a lawn mower in the kitchen, eight can openers that you don’t need, and a relative dropping off keepsakes you don’t want (but don’t know how to tell her) have in common? A waking nightmare for minimalists! There is so much freedom from […]
5 Things I No Longer Buy as a Minimalist

Making room for what matters most includes letting go of what is no longer serving us. We can declutter every room in our home, however, and turn around one day to be surrounded by clutter again. Why? Because unless we have changed our purchasing behaviors, our decluttering efforts will be in vain. Acquiring less is […]
Permission to Let Go

One of the benefits of being a Disney+ subscriber is that I often watch (and re-watch) animated favorites with my kids. Recently my husband selected the movie Up, not realizing the first ten minutes are pretty heavy for our young boys. For those of you who aren’t familiar, the movie opens with the life story […]
4 Tips to Help You Reduce Decluttering Indecision

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Julia Ubbenga. After honing my decluttering skills over the past few years, I’ve developed a theory. Goes like this. Our ability to declutter grows in direct proportion to our ability to make decisions. Think about it. The minute we dive into decluttering, we open wide the decision […]
Seven Ways Clutter Affects Our Well-Being

While “getting organized” is one of the top New Year’s resolutions, it is difficult to find the time and motivation to declutter. A September 2021 study showed that “lack of time was an almost universally endorsed reason for clutter” from the research participants. The task is often overwhelming, even with the huge amount of books […]