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Are you ready to tap into the wisdom of your body to help reach your decluttering goals?

Did you know that cycle syncing, that is, understanding the hormonal, mood, and energy shifts that occur in each phase of your menstrual cycle can help you plan your daily activities, including decluttering?

If you've been frustrated with your lack of "motivation" to declutter, part of it may be that you're doing the wrong things at the wrong time. I created this checklist to help!

For more information about cycle syncing for decluttering, check out my blog post on the subject!

This checklist will take you through the decluttering activities you should tackle in each of the four phases of your menstrual cycle (menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulatory phase, and luteal phase).

Hi! I'm Emily. In 2014 I discovered minimalism. Living with less has helped me to discover my "why" and remove what no longer serves me in my home, my calendar, and my head.

I hope this resource is helpful to you and look forward to hearing more about your journey! You can always contact me at [email protected].

Let's declutter smarter, not harder.

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