Emily McDermott Photo

Decluttering Systems Coaching: Consistency and Accountability for Overwhelmed Moms

Are you ready to create consistent decluttering systems and routines so you can get out from under the toys, laundry, and overwhelm that are stealing your time and energy?

Hey mama. I know the struggle is real, and you are trying your best juggling all the things. But the clutter surrounding you is working against you. Are you:

Surrounded by STUFF. Everywhere. All the time, no matter how much you clean up after the kids. When they finally fall asleep, when you just want to be able to relax and not think about the house for a few hours before you collapse into bed, all the stuff is still there waiting for you the next day.

Feeling constantly like there’s something else that you should be doing when you’re with your kids. Your to-do list is constantly running in your head, yet you never feel like you can get on top of managing your house…or your life.

Having no idea where to start or find the time to breathe, let alone create the motherhoood you want underneath piles of toys and laundry. 

Feeling like other moms of young kids somehow have it all “figured out” but you’re left behind, feeling inadequate and ill-equipped for this whole motherhood thing?

overwhelmed mom

Imagine what it would be like if…

You were able to declutter in the moms cracks of your day and make noticeable progress in the areas that cause you the most stress

You no longer got hung up on mental roadblocks during decluttering so you could save your precious time, energy, and attention for your family and what matters most

You weren’t bothered by the stuff coming into your home because you had simple systems in place to make sure everything you own is what you need, use, and love

You eliminated unnecessary decisions that drain you so you had more energy to declutter and create systems in your home that support you and your family

You could get your spouse/partner and kids involved so the burden of maintaining the home didn't fall solely on you

You had the accountability and support to make sure those donations make it to the donation center (and don’t stay in your car for months)

I created my 60-minute Decluttering Systems Coaching program just for you, the overwhelmed mom who wants to develop simple, yet effective decluttering systems and routines so she can be consistent, despite her busy day.

I promise, you WILL be able to stick with a simple, customized plan for managing what comes into your home and decluttering what's already there in as little as 15 minutes per day! You'll walk away with a 2-week plan of attack for your clutter, as well as support from me every step of the way to help you overcome the roadblocks that keep you holding onto what no longer serves you.

Lauren Mueller Testimonial: Emily’s coaching style is a game changer! She doesn’t overwhelm you, and instead takes practical, efficient and effective steps to help you clear your space and mind. I’ve applied so many of her strategies to my everyday life, and truly see a difference in not only my space, but also what I do and don’t take into my home.
Thanks to Emily’s coaching, I was able to make significant progress with my closet and my boys’ room. It gave me hope, was super encouraging and helpful. I’ve been doing a little each day so I don’t go full out and burn out, and Emily has shown me that little bits of time do add up! - Esther Yunkin

Are you ready to...

Confidently make decluttering decisions based upon what matters most to you?

Eliminate what doesn't serve you and curb the influx of stuff coming into your home?

Gain the precious resources of time, energy, attention, and focus by tackling your biggest clutter challenges?

Create consistent and sustainable decluttering systems and routines so you can feel like you can breathe in your home?

Lean on the 2-week support of an experienced coach, as well as a community of like-minded women cheering you on?

Hi! I’m Emily.

I’m a wife, mama to two boys, poet and blogger at Simple by Emmy, and host of the Moms Overcoming Overwhelm podcast.

In 2014, when my husband and I were struggling with infertility, I felt completely overwhelmed and wanted more than anything to be a mom. But the stuff crowding my home, head, and heart were preventing me from making the physical and emotional space I needed to have a baby. Once I started decluttering, I finally felt like I was able to breathe. I didn’t feel like my stuff was suffocating me anymore. We were lucky enough to have not only one, but two beautiful boys (who of course come with their own stuff, am I right??)

Throughout all the seasons of motherhood – infertility, having two under two, and postpartum anxiety – a simpler, clutter-free life has served me every step of the way. I want you to experience the peace that is on the other side of letting go of what no longer serves you.

If you are ready to ditch the overwhelm and experience peace in your home and motherhood, I can’t wait to chat with you soon.

On the journey with you,



Your 60-Minute Call Includes:

A Detailed Coaching Intake Form

Prior to our call, I will ask you some initial questions about your specific needs and pain points so we can hit the ground running during our call. You will have the foundational things in place so that we don't waste your precious time!

60 Minutes of Customized Coaching

We will hit the ground running to develop your customized plan and address your biggest pain points. Other clients' questions have included

Two Weeks of Support for Implementation

I will check in every other day for 14 days to see how you are doing in reaching the goals set forth in the customized plan that we have created. And if you want support after the call, you will get a special rate for additional coaching, or can find accountability and support in the free Facebook group (tinyurl.com/momsovercomingoverwhelm).

Snag your coaching spot now for the unbelievable price of $47.

I am confident that my decluttering systems coaching will give you the jump start you need to develop simple, yet sustainable systems within your home. Together, we will overcome the roadblocks that are keeping you from decluttering what you no longer need so you can enjoy the life and motherhood you deserve.

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If you lack motivation to declutter your home and can't stick with any of the books, podcasts, or courses you've taken in the past, you are 60-minutes away from making lasting changes! Read what these moms have to say:

Sarah Carabell Testimonial: "Emily's coaching definitely helped me get into action. Specifically, her guidance about "aspirational clutter" helped me get rid of my sewing machine/table that have been with me for 7+ years untouched."
Rachel Hill Testimonial: Working with Emily has been a delight, and l've seen real and lasting changes in our home because of her! I've read many books about decluttering in the past and nothing has ever stuck, but Emily's personal approach and practical steps to creating less cluttery habits have been life-giving. She focuses not only on the how-to, but teaches WHY we pursue a decluttered home and mind. The foundations I've learned from her are incredibly valuable.

You've got questions? I've got answers!

How do I know that I’ll get the results I want in 60 minutes?

Prior to the session, I send an intake form so we can pinpoint your biggest concerns and we can come to the call ready to form a customized plan. My proven framework has been tried and tested with women just like you looking for the clarity they need to declutter with confidence.

Is this coaching worth the investment?

My clients can attest to it, but 60 short minutes can give you the kickstart you need to declutter with confidence and stay consistent with your efforts. So, in my opinion, it’s a YES.

Do you offer refunds?

No. If you follow the plan and do the homework, you will see results.

Do I have to have my video on?

Nope! Show up as you are (I’ll probably be in my comfies) but you are welcome to have your video off.

Do you provide me with a replay of our session?

Yes, you will receive a replay of your session within 8 hours of our meeting, as well as a written summary of our discussion. 

Will there be homework?

Yes, but is is manageable. I will ask you in advance how much time you have to devote to the plan but it can be accomplished in as little as 15 minutes a day. You will receive a customized two-week plan from me to implement everything we’ve talked about. I will be available via e-mail or Facebook Messenger to answer questions and cheer you on every step of the way!

Can't I just get this information for free online?

Yes and no. There are several books, blogs, podcasts, and other resources about decluttering. However, I offer a customized, step-by-step process for moms who are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Google searches don’t provide you with a roadmap to success. This coaching does.  

I am not the main income generator in my household. I am hesitant to invest in something like this and don't know how to discuss it with my spouse/partner.

I am not the main income generator in my household, either. I truly understand where you are coming from. I want this to be accessible to as many moms as possible, which is why the financial investment in the coaching is very low, considering the return on investment that you receive. 

If your spouse/partner understands how overwhelmed you are feeling and knows the financial risk is low, I am confident the discussion will be easier!

These moms got off the struggle bus and were able to make major progress on their decluttering goals!

Brenna Snyder Testimonial- I really appreciate and find great value in Emily’s coaching on decluttering. I love that it’s individualized and caters to my unique desires, approach, and setup within my house. She is very personable and has a wealth of information. I often find that some programs can be hard to stick with, but I feel that her tips, suggestions, and 1-on-1 expertise are quite useful and practical in daily life.
Gail Derreberry Testimonial- I found Emily's information very helpful, on target and easily understood. Plus, she is delightful! I am ready to implement some processes to begin accomplishing my goals!

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