Musings from the Acupuncture Table

Acupuncture is a key component of ancient Chinese medicine and therapy. It involves placing small needles in the skin along the body’s energy pathways to manipulate blood and energy flow. It also invites the individual receiving treatment to experience deep relaxation. Acupuncture also allows individuals to experience an “ancient” or “lost” art- the art of […]

My 54 (and growing?) Habits for a Healthy and Happy Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about habits lately. Part of this is due to the fact that I am a full six months into my Sea Change program through Zen Habits, which focuses on one area of habit formation every month. It’s $10 a month and totally worth it! So far we’ve focused on meditation, […]

What Minimalism Means to Me

I recently became introduced to a concept called “minimalism” which has drastically shifted my view of material possessions and the value I attribute to them, how I spend my time, and how distraction and “clutter” impacts my daily life. The word “minimalism” evokes emotions of fear and loss and visions of empty walls and cupboards. […]

12,544 days lived, at least 17,113 to go…

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately. I guess we all think about it quite a lot throughout our day. Our alarms wake us up in the morning. Our phones and computers remind us of how our time is being spent throughout the day. We’re a culture of over-schedulers, in our work and personal […]

My Happiness Experiment

Remember January 2014?  I do…the New Year held so much promise! Resolutions seemed attainable (like me writing blog posts more frequently…we see how well that’s turned out!) During our company holiday party, I heard a catchy song I had never heard before named “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. Now it’s played at nauseum on Top 40 […]

It’s the end of January- but I’m just getting WARRMD up!

Some of you who read this title may think that I neglected to use Spell Check before I posted. What an amateur! But actually, I created an acronym to help me remember the things I want to focus on in 2014. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who thinks that New Year’s Resolutions […]

Simply Emmy Life Lesson #2- Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s natural to reflect on the blessings in our lives. Family, friends, our home, our jobs (or if we don’t like our job, at least that we have a job), the freedoms that we enjoy in our country. We’re grateful for our health and “wealth,” especially when we think of those […]

Simply Emmy Life Lesson #1- Live Like You Just Learned How to Walk

A common saying is to “Live like you’re dying.” Tim McGraw’s song comes to mind, which goes through bucket list activities such as skydiving and “Rocky Mountain climbing” as well as being a better spouse, friend, and enjoying every moment like it was your last. I am totally on board with “Carpe Diem” and the […]

Welcome to Simply Emmy!

Welcome to Simply Emmy! Simply Emmy is just like it sounds- simply my reflections and musings that come from my true self- Emmy! As I get older, I have come to the realization that self-awareness and self-acceptance are key to happiness and have allowed me to feel confident to share my unique gifts with the […]