If something were to happen to you unexpectedly...

What would your loved ones do with all your stuff ?

Swedish death cleaning is an excellent way to declutter your excess and unburden your loved ones from the responsibility of figuring out what you would want done with your stuff after you pass. Are you ready to learn by 5 simple steps?

These 5 steps will help you prepare now so that you can feel at peace that your loved ones won't have the burden or responsibility of figuring out how to deal with what you leave behind.

Hi! I'm Emily. In 2014, I discovered minimalism. Living with less has helped me to discover my "why" and remove what no longer serves me in my home, my calendar, and my head.

I hope this resource is helpful to you and look forward to hearing more about your journey! You can find me on Instagram or my podcast Moms Overcoming Overwhelm.

Unburden yourself and your loved ones.

These 5 steps will help you! Download this free resource and receive my newest blog posts and subscriber-only content, delivered monthly!

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